Easter day part I
We spent Easter with our family too! Since I’m living in Ticino and my brothers and nephews at Zurich we don’t see us often so we had a great day even if the weather had turned cold with a strong wind!
I started preparing appetizers already the day before as well as the potato salad. At the left you see I have prepared fresh pasta at the early Easter morning!. As sauces I did cook
one with pork rind and one with veal chops.
Then I prepared some appetizers as you can see here such as: tuna mousse, salmon mousse, vegetable mousse, sticks with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. For the decoration I chose the pomegranate cause it’s color is giving a nice contrast, walnuts and balsamic glaze.
Fortunately the rain stopped in the early morning so I could lit a fire outside to make nice grilled pork ribs and homegrown sausages. The ribs were already in the brine the day before cause I left them in white wine all night long to soften. Then I removed them and added garlic, rosemary, sage, mustard and pepper. For the potato salad which I prepared the day before, the mayonnaise is homemade with: 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon of sugar, two teaspoons mustard, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, lemon, fresh ricotta. In a pan fry some bacon, chopped chives and mix all together with the potatoes.
The dessert I’ll publish another time. Have a nice day!
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